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Juan Luis Vives

Significado de "que" en el diccionario de español



La palabra que procede del latín quid.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


que play
Que es una palabra aguda de 1 sílaba.
Las palabras agudas van acentuadas en la última sílaba.


Que puede actuar como un adverbio, un pronombre y una conjunción.
El adverbio es una parte invariable de la oración que puede modificar, matizar o determinar a un verbo o a otro adverbio.

El pronombre es la palabra que sustituye a otros términos que designan personas o cosas en un momento determinado.

La conjunción es una categoría gramatical invariable que se utiliza para unir palabras y oraciones.


definición de que en el diccionario español

La primera definición de que en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es con esta sola forma conviene a los géneros masculino, femenino y neutro y a los números singular y plural. Con el artículo forma el relativo compuesto: el que, la que, los que, las que, lo que, que a diferencia de la sola forma que, posee variación de género y número y puede construirse en concordancia con el antecedente. Otro significado de que en el diccionario es a veces equivale a otros pronombres precedidos de preposición. El día que llegaste a Madrid. Su Majestad el Rey, que Dios guarde. Que es también agrupado o no con un nombre sustantivo, inquiere o pondera la naturaleza, cantidad, intensidad, etc., de algo.







Sinónimos y antónimos de que en el diccionario español de sinónimos



que mayor menor igual primera lengua española esta sola forma conviene géneros masculino femenino neutro números singular plural artículo relativo compuesto diferencia posee variación género número puede construirse concordancia antecedente otro veces equivale otros pronombres precedidos preposición día llegaste madrid majestad dios guarde también agrupado nombre sustantivo inquiere pondera naturaleza cantidad intensidad algo lloran muerte querido permitas ardiente mañana seque lágrima dolor antes hayas enjugado sufre descubre destino monje vendió ferrari escrito como fábula ofrece nuevos aspectos sabiduría julian mantle superabogado cambió vida

Traductor en línea con la traducción de que a 25 idiomas

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Conoce la traducción de que a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.
Las traducciones de que presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de que en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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570 millones de hablantes

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510 millones de hablantes

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380 millones de hablantes

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280 millones de hablantes

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278 millones de hablantes

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270 millones de hablantes

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220 millones de hablantes

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190 millones de hablantes

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180 millones de hablantes

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130 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

điều đó
80 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de que en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

demás   al igual que con todo lo demás
demás   al igual que con todo lo demás 
  as with everything else.
 As with everything else that the president says his statement was once again taken out of contex.
decirse que
decirse que 
  be reputed to.
 By 1826 the library was reputed to have 14,276 items, the larger portion of which were folios and quartos.
hasta (que)
hasta (que) 
 Until the mid nineteenth century the concept of authorship was confined to personal authors.
el que
el que 
  that ; the one.
 The description of the component part is separated from that of the host document by a double slash.
 Numbers given in brackets refer to frames which have led to the one you are reading; this is to help you retrace your steps if necessary.
la que
la que 
  that ; the one.
 The description of the component part is separated from that of the host document by a double slash.
 Numbers given in brackets refer to frames which have led to the one you are reading; this is to help you retrace your steps if necessary.
lo que
lo que 
  that which ; what.
 Step 1 Familiarisation: A searcher must be adequately familiar with that which he wishes to retrieve.
 One of the most obvious of the limitations of this approach is that it is difficult to decide what constitutes a separate work.
los que + Verbo
los que + Verbo 
  those + Participio.
 Thesauri are likely to contain terms that are more specific than those found in subject headings lists.
pensar que
pensar que 
  share + the view that ; Posesivo + feeling is that ; harbour + the belief that.
 Not all librarians share the view that outreach is a good thing for the public library.
 My feeling is that Labor is hitting Boren more as a warning shot to others who might be considering breaking ranks.
 I harbor the belief that to a multitude of people music has always meant, an will continually mean, but one thing out of two: something melodious or odious.
tal que
tal que 
  such that.
 Nowadays, the quantity of new information being generated is such that no individual can hope to keep pace with even a small fraction of it.
  than ; which ; who ; that.
 A synthetic scheme needs less categories or headings than an equivalent enumerative scheme.
 There are a number of features of a catalogue or index which benefit from some standardisation.
 This started in 1980, and has around forty members who receive some support to cover telephone charges.
 The (F) operator specifies that terms must be in the same field of the same record, in any order.
así que 
 Some library members are still reticent about using technological innovations such as microfiche readers so it may be only library staff who use the catalogue.
dar que hablar  
fuel + rumours
give + rise to rumours
 His brief comment has fuelled rumours in the music industry that the band may reform.
 The text provides a clear and comprehensive assessment of the forces that give rise to rumours in a commercial environment.
de los que 
 So we see many wits and ingenuities lying scattered up and down the world, whereof some are now labouring to do what is already done and puzzling themselves to reinvent what is already invented.
Dios sabe lo que 
God knows what
 God knows what she saw in him, but they make a cute couple however odd.
el que 
the one
 Numbers given in brackets refer to frames which have led to the one you are reading; this is to help you retrace your steps if necessary.
el que no se aventura no cruza el mar 
nothing ventured, nothing gained
 In today's recession it seems that the saying 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' could be re-written as 'nothing ventured, nothing lost'.
la que 
the one
 Numbers given in brackets refer to frames which have led to the one you are reading; this is to help you retrace your steps if necessary.
lo que 
 One of the most obvious of the limitations of this approach is that it is difficult to decide what constitutes a separate work.
más que  
more ... than ...
 Indicative-informative abstracts are more common than either the purely indicative or the purely informative abstract.
menos que  
less ... than ...
 So, syntactic relationships do arise in documents, but are less permanent than semantic relationships.
por el que  
by which
for which
 Accession is the procedure by which acquisitions are entered into a collection after checking the order and after collating.
 On completion of the search, the VDU will flash up details of the costs accrued for which the library will later be billed.
puesto que   [Abreviatura de because]
 The various kinds of non-book media can be grouped into categories; this has little to do with their containing material whether video tape, ink on paper or holes in cards, for this can be shared by more than one medium.
 Cuz they know that old coot constantly contradicts himself and makes no sense whatsoever.
que abarca 
 This paper reconciles the globe girdling reach of English as the modern lingua franca with England's hegemony of discovery and exploration in the 16th century.
que acapara la atención 
 Another way to come up with attention-grabbing headlines is to put yourself in your client's shoes.
que actúa de apoyo 
 However, it doesn't take very long before the supporting machine file attains greater importance than the manual catalog.
que actúa de soporte 
 However, it doesn't take very long before the supporting machine file attains greater importance than the manual catalog.
que afecta a 
 This section, then, will review the basic problems surrounding the choice of form of headings for persons.
que afecta a toda la empresa 
 The author considers the issue of enterprise-wide agreements in which companies, universities, or library systems buy or license electronic content for their entire organization.
que afecta a toda la sociedad 
 After 1900 popular reading habits had evolved into their present, culture-wide form = Después de 1900 los hábitos de lectura popular evolucionaron a su forma actual que afecta a toda la sociedad.
que afecta a todas las culturas 
 After 1900 popular reading habits had evolved into their present, culture-wide form = Después de 1900 los hábitos de lectura popular evolucionaron a su forma actual que afecta a toda la sociedad.
que afecta a varias generaciones 
 The article 'The effects of entry arrangement on search times: a cross-generational study' describes an experiment to test the effects of a vertical versus a horizontal arrangement on search times.
que ahorra esfuerzo 
 They smashed knitting machines that embodied new labor-saving technology as a protest against unemployment.
que ahorran dinero 
 The article 'Two dollar-saving search tips' explains how to eliminate duplicate citations when printing out search results.
que ahorra trabajo 
 They smashed knitting machines that embodied new labor-saving technology as a protest against unemployment.
que amplia los horizontes 
 The broad tree-lined streets with large Victorian homes surrounded by ample greenery on what were once the outskirts of town - the gracious and expansive habitations of the wealthy mill and factory owners - gradually yield to a miscellany of recent bungalows, modest cottages, and modern apartment buildings.
que apoya moralmente 
 But why, I ask you, can he not be supportive, even once in a while?.
que aquí presentamos 
 We are going to use the data elements defined in the present document as a base from which to begin.
que arde lentamente 
smouldering [smoldering, -USA]
 It took a week to reduce the East Timorese capital to a smouldering shadow of its former self.
que atraviesa la ciudad 
 The average speed of cross-town traffic has dropped to 5.2 miles per hour (from 5.6 mph five years ago).
que avanza lentamente 
 'Well, it's just that,' he said under a crawling canopy of smoke, trying to arrange himself easily on the hard chair.
que avanza rápidamente  
 I have also taken the opportunity to up-date every chapter of the book so as to help the reader keep track of this fast-moving technology.
 To meet the challenge and to anticipate problems associated with blacks adapting to a fast-developing world and entering the job market, attempts should be made to gain a thorough knowledge of their needs.
que ayuda a recordar 
 The experiment showed that the thesaurus was an excellent 'memory-jogging' device.
que ayuda a refrescar la memoria 
 The experiment showed that the thesaurus was an excellent 'memory-jogging' device.
que baja los humos 
 It is inspiring, humbling and empowering that we can gather with our colleagues from around the world and see that our similarities are numerous.
que bate todos los récords 
record breaking
 The company has managed to survive for 75 years, with an unbroken string of more than 40 years of profitability (the last 2 record breaking) when so many others have fallen by the wayside.
que bota bien 
bouncy [bouncier -comp., bounciest -sup.]
 As you probably have noticed, squash balls aren't very bouncy at all, they deform when they hit a wall or the floor.
que busca acaparar la atención 
 Actress Megan Fox has claimed that to avoid the attention, she does not wear attention-seeking clothes when she goes out.
que busca el beneficio propio 
 At the same time he warns against self-serving marketing.
que busca el placer 
 But problems arise when pleasure-seeking behaviors take over a person's life, as in drug addiction or obesity.
que busca llamar la atención 
 Actress Megan Fox has claimed that to avoid the attention, she does not wear attention-seeking clothes when she goes out.
que cambia con el tiempo   
ever-changing [ever changing]
 These new titles are not just cosmetic, they do reflect the ever-changing role of the library service.
 A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process.
 Phil Bradley looks at various developments that have occurred recently in the ever-shifting scene of the search engine.
que cambia la vida  
 'Huckleberry Finn' is another of those books that stands high on my own list of life-enhancing and life-changing works of literature.
 Being diagnosed HIV-positive is a life-altering event that can have devastating efects on physical & mental health.
que cambia rápidamente 
 The librarian should distinguish big from little problems to avoid getting caught in a situation that is rapid-fire and not effective.
que causa estreñimiento 
 Those who experience hypermotility may have to follow a constipating diet and avoid laxative foods.
que combina diferentes enseñanzas 
multi-track [multitrack]
 Here proportionally more of the multitrack schools (schools that have both regular and vocational classes) have higher average library visits than of the agricultural schools.
que combina diferentes tipos de recursos 
multi-source [multi source]
 The multi-source database, one which incorporates several different source types, has emerged as the premiere reference tool in assisting users with research projects from start to finish = La base de datos que combina diferentes tipos de recursos ha surgido como la principal herramienta de referencia para ayudar a los usuarios en sus proyectos de investigación de princpio a fin.
que concede becas 
 Its main purpose is to help people applying to grant-making foundations for funds = Su principal objetivs es ayudar a la gente a solicitar dinero a fundaciones que conceden becas.
que concede subsidios 
 Its main purpose is to help people applying to grant-making foundations for funds = Su principal objetivs es ayudar a la gente a solicitar dinero a fundaciones que conceden becas.
que concierne a 
 This section, then, will review the basic problems surrounding the choice of form of headings for persons.
que confiere cierto estatus social 
 In all, it is difficult to find an activity or occupation associated with books which is not status-conferring to some degree.
que confunde 
 The need to control for the effect of confounding variables is central to empirical research in many disciplines.
que conlleva  
associated with
 If anything, it interposes an additional link in the communication chain, with its attendant 'interface' problems.
 Participating libraries communicated to the research team a desire to have their daily work 'counted,' despite the additional workload associated with collecting new data.
que conserva su encanto natural 
unspoilt [unspoiled, -USA]
 This revolutionary syndicalist union consistently supported the most downtrodden & oppressed, & encouraged a cult of the unspoiled, heroic brawny proletarian with raw courage & 'natural' virtues.
que conserva su estado natural 
unspoilt [unspoiled, -USA]
 This revolutionary syndicalist union consistently supported the most downtrodden & oppressed, & encouraged a cult of the unspoiled, heroic brawny proletarian with raw courage & 'natural' virtues.
que consta de tres puntos 
 So, in the bicentennial spirit here's a three-point bill of particulars or grievances (in addition to what was mentioned previously with respect to offensive or unauthentic terms).
que constituye un reto 
 Thus in an attentive reader literature is expansive, visionary, challenging, subversive, in the true and best sense.
que consume mucha CPU 
CPU intensive
 DOBIS/LIBIS report writer is CPU intensive and cumbersome to operate.
que consume mucha energía  
 The objective is to continue to reduce total energy consumption by introducing more energy-efficient industrial processes and switching to less energy-intensive industries.
 Power hungry plasma screen televisions are expected to be banned under new EU legislation.
que consume tiempo 
time-consuming [time consuming]
 International consultation is bulky and time-consuming, and this makes revision a slow process.
que contengan los caracteres 
hit by
 The first half of the command looks for words hit by 'FIB?' immediately followed by a word hit by 'OPTIC?'.
que contiene 
 The ASLIB handbook of special library and information work discusses literature searching techniques and the role of literature guides therein.
que contiene muchas imágenes 
image intensive
 Unlike text-based digital libraries, image intensive digital libraries have inherent problems of slow downloading and unloading.
que contiene níquel 
 There are about 3000 nickel-containing alloys in everyday use.
que contribuye a la predisposición 
 This article explores information predisposition and considers other predisposing factors.
que coocurre 
 Comparison of the two lists will show not only the co-occurring numbers but also details of the relevant documents.
que corroe por dentro 
 the underlying mood of the movement is a gnawing impatience with the system.
que crea adicción 
 Everything that happens in the couple's tiny, shrunken, enclosed world is addictive, unglamorous, and boringly awful.
que crea hábito 
 Everything that happens in the couple's tiny, shrunken, enclosed world is addictive, unglamorous, and boringly awful.
que crece despacio 
slowly growing
 Therefore the city has been left with a very slowly growing revenue base.
que crece hacia dentro 
 Book clubs need not be enclosed, much less ingrown = Los clubs de lectores no deben ser cerrados y mucho menos conservadores.
que cruza fronteras 
boundary spanning
 Particular attention is being paid to the need for boundary spanning go-betweens to manage the vital communication aspects of technology transfer.
que cubre hasta la rodilla 
knee deep
 The article 'Acid rain information: knee deep and rising' briefly describes the dramatic growth in acid rain literature which has occurred in the past 5 years.
que cubre hasta los tobillos 
ankle deep
 If the ice hidden just below the Martian surface were to melt, it would create a planet-wide sea ankle-deep, scientists have said.
que cubre todo el cuerpo 
head to toe
 The specialise in head to toe baby bibs that protect clothing and floor from food.
que cuelga 
 The catenary, often confused with the parabola, is the curve formed by a hanging chain held only at its ends.
que cumple los requisitos 
 Any UK grant scheme may serve to provide qualifying grants.
que da agua  
leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup.]
 The documents were relegated to an environmentally unsafe location, where they were damaged by a leaking water pipe.
 He fixed the leaky faucet by pugging it with a cork, hammering it in with a mallet, wrapping it up with electrical tape, and leaving it to increase in water pressure until the pipe exploded .
que da asco 
 He has written a piece on the West's growing habit of nauseatingly kowtowing to Islam and walking on eggshells whenever anything Islamic comes into the picture.
que da miedo 
scary [scarier -comp., scariest -sup.]
 The very term 'outsourcing' is seen by many cataloguing departments as a scary word.
que da náuseas 
 He has written a piece on the West's growing habit of nauseatingly kowtowing to Islam and walking on eggshells whenever anything Islamic comes into the picture.
que da placer 
 Cocaine works by stimulating pleasure-giving neurotransmitters.
que da que pensar 
 A new Federal regulation aimed at tackling white-collar crime has sobering implications for managers.
que da repelo 
 He has written a piece on the West's growing habit of nauseatingly kowtowing to Islam and walking on eggshells whenever anything Islamic comes into the picture.
que da repugnancia 
 He has written a piece on the West's growing habit of nauseatingly kowtowing to Islam and walking on eggshells whenever anything Islamic comes into the picture.
que da susto 
scary [scarier -comp., scariest -sup.]
 The very term 'outsourcing' is seen by many cataloguing departments as a scary word.
que da vida 
 Minneapolis, the first great metropolis at the headwaters of this life-giving waterway, will be the perfect site for the 2004 MCN conference.
que deja mucho al azar 
 There may be many excellent community information services whose praises have gone unsung and it may seem that my choice has been based on a rather hit-or-miss method.
que demuestra desequilibrio de carácter 
 This slightly off-balance, whimsical remark was a Marsha James' trademark.
que depende del tiempo 
 This paper studies time-dependent (dynamical) aspects of scientific activities, as expressed in research publications.
que desee(n)  
of + Posesivo + choice
of + Posesivo + choosing
 Libraries and information services should support the right of users to seek information of their choice.
 Doctors often 'game the system' by manipulating the organ allocation system to favor patients of their choosing.
que desempata 
tie-breaking [tiebreaking]
 'Casting vote' means tie-breaking vote.
que diferencia entre mayúscula y minúscula 
 To gain access to just one information service, the researcher required two dial-up numbers, 26 case-sensitive usernames and passwords and at least 20 Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).
que distingue entre mayúscula y minúscula 
 To gain access to just one information service, the researcher required two dial-up numbers, 26 case-sensitive usernames and passwords and at least 20 Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).
que distrae la atención 
 I think that Mr. Scilken's point was that there's so much material on the traditional three-by-five card that it's less useful, that it's distracting, in fact, and does a disservice to the public library.
que dura todo el año 
 There is a year-round calendar of festivals, theatre, musical and sporting events.
que dura todo un año 
 This documentary chronicles the year-long deployment of one US battalion in Afghanistan.
que el agua disuelve 
 This solvent has therefore been useful in removal of such adhesives from drawings where water-fugitive media are present.
que encompasa 
 This paper reconciles the globe girdling reach of English as the modern lingua franca with England's hegemony of discovery and exploration in the 16th century.
que en paz descanse 
R.I.P. [rest in peace]
 The words "rest in peace (R.I.P.)" appears on almost every tombstone.
que entran en juego 
at play
 The author considers the economic, political and social factors at play.
que era común anteriormente 
 Thus some once-common ordinary watermarks - crown, foolscap, hand, etc. - disappeared.
que escapan a + Posesivo + control 
beyond + Posesivo + control
 The book trade can do nothing about this as the exchange rate is beyond their control.
que escuece 
itchy [itchier -comp., itchiest -sup.]
 Even the ones who don't complain say they have coughing fits at times, and itchy eyes, and headaches.
que espera 
 So we footed it all the way back down the whole way that the ski-lift had taken us, and all the way back to the awaiting van.
que espera demasiado 
over expectant
 The Web has acquired a bad name largely as a result of naive and over expectant users.
que está creciendo 
 The book also explains how twins begin and describes how a fetus gets food and air and how the growing baby kicks and hiccups inside the uterus.
que está en constante evolución 
 With the ever-evolving field of women and development, the areas of research are expanding.
que están apareciendo 
 We have too much invested for us to assume any longer that we can, by sheer force of will, temper their influence on emerging standards.
que estriñe 
 Those who experience hypermotility may have to follow a constipating diet and avoid laxative foods.
que estrope el paisaje  [Nombre y adjetivo]
 He argues for special attention to faculty offices, landscaping, 'green' architecture, preservation of heritage buildings, removal of eyesore buildings, and safety.
que exalta los ánimos 
 This defense, needless to say, proved more inflammatory than the original doctrines for which he was charged, and was published posthumously in 1688.
que excede + Cantidad 
in excess of + Cantidad
 For the record, schools and libraries in the late 1960s recovered in excess of $10,000,000 from publishers and wholesalers as a result of unfair practices highlighted by Mr. Scilken.
que expresa dos puntos de vista opuestos 
bipolar [bi-polar]
 All subjects completed a four-page questionnaire in which they rated Americans on six bipolar adjective dimensions: friendly/unfriendly, polite/impolite, industrious/lazy, religious/anti-religious, generous/stingy, and patriotic/not patriotic.
que falta 
 As you read each frame, cover the area below each frame and attempt to supply the missing word.
que faltan 
 The word 'wanting' when followed by details of parts of volumes of a publication in a catalogue entry indicates that those items are not possessed.
que florece en primavera 
 Many of the spring-flowering crocus bulbs are among our earliest bloomers - truly a sight for sore eyes after a long winter.
que fomenta 
conducive (to)
 We have already been impelled toward a definition of the future catalog by forces not especially conducive to its development into a more effective instrument.
que forma parte de la cultura 
 Local knowledge is knowledge that is 'unique to a given culture or society, which is oral, rural, holistic, powerless, and culturally-embedded and the result of 'dynamic innovation' although informal and unsystematised'.
que fue 
 The late James Bennet Childs, one-time head of Descriptive Cataloging at LC and long-time documents specialist, has often pointed out how the quality of documents cataloging went downhill after the special cataloging unit was abolished.
que fue común antes 
 Thus some once-common ordinary watermarks - crown, foolscap, hand, etc. - disappeared.
que fuera 
 Many reference sources which were once available only in hard copy are now available either in hard copy, or to be consulted by online access to a computer-held data base.
que fuerza los músculos 
 Principal ergonomic issues identified were screen glare, furniture promoting muscle-straining work postures, and insufficient work surfaces.
que funciona 
 As they grow up, children have to develop an identity and a working philosophy of life.
que funciona a base de órdenes 
 This article reviews a range of business data bases that specifically have menu-driven as opposed to command-driven retrieval systems.
que funciona con electricidad   [Que funciona con corriente eléctrica]
 Toy locomotives powered by clockwork were popular into the late 1930s, until electrically-powered models became more readily available.
 Attention has also been given to the needs of handicapped users by the provision of electrically-operated doors, invalid toilets and computer terminals with braille keyboards.
que funciona con energía eólica 
 The user question used for the tests was for information on windmills, wind power utilisation and wind-powered generators.
que funciona con energía solar 
 A solar-powered airplane that one day will attempt an around the world non-stop flight took its maiden voyage yesterday in Switzerland.
que funciona con monedas   [Abreviatura de coin-operated]
 The question is: are libraries responsible for the potentially illegal use of coin-operated photocopying machines?.
 Pressure wash equipment is similar to a typical coin-op car wash only portable and more powerful.
que funciona con pilas  
 The data pen system is supported by battery-operated equipment, but the life of the batteries would not be sufficient to sustain the library's full service for a lengthy period.
 Also worthy of consideration is a battery-powered backup supply.
que funciona con vapor 
 Similarly, scarcely any binderies were steam-powered before the 1850s, the earlier (and simpler) binding machines being hand-operated = Igualmente, apenas ningún taller de encuadernación funcionaba con vapor antes de la década de 1850, las encuadernadoras anteriores (más sencillas) eran manuales.
que funciona manualmente 
manually operated
 The final product was a simplified, manually operated information system.
¡que gane el mejor!  
may the best man win!
may the best man win!
 So our best wishes to all competitors and as the rules stipulate 'May the best man win!'.
 Finally, and most importantly, I would like to wish all competitors the best of luck and may the best team win!.
que genera polémica 
 The author describes 2 types of violence that could occur: theft-associated violence and confrontational violence.
que gotea  
leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup.]
 He fixed the leaky faucet by pugging it with a cork, hammering it in with a mallet, wrapping it up with electrical tape, and leaving it to increase in water pressure until the pipe exploded .
 The documents were relegated to an environmentally unsafe location, where they were damaged by a leaking water pipe.
que guarde relación con 
in keeping with
 This revised chapter modified the code in keeping with the recently agreed ISBD(M), and proposed a slightly different description for monographs.
que habla bien 
 No one likes that artificial, over-precise articulation acquired by meticulously elocuted people who hang words on the air like so many ice cubes.
que habla en voz baja 
quietly spoken
 Quietly spoken, introverted Henry, the main character, tries to get casual jobs (anything, like a factotum) around Los Angeles.
que hace entrar en calor  
 A big pumpkin, cut into quarters and baked, is a sweet and warming supper.
 A big pumpkin, cut into quarters and baked, is a sweet and warming supper.
que hace época 
 This project on electronic document delivery using radio links, if successful, could be epoch-making for third world libraries.
que hace girar la mirada 
 This foxy girl has a wardrobe full of head-turning outfits and not a stitch of clothing to wear.
que hace historia 
 One sees the weakness of the church and concludes that it is impossible for this anemic body to be a history-making force.
que hace la boca agua 
 End your meal on a naughty-but-nice note with one of these mouth-watering desserts, served with lashings of home-made custard.
que hacer reflexionar 
provocative of
 After three hours' talk we had not got beyond the third incident in the story - so many, so various, and so provocative of further thoughts and ideas, were the responses reported as the text was read aloud.
que ha sobrevivido 
 Interviews were with a surviving next of kin or a nonrelative about three months after the event of death.
que hay que dar muchas vueltas 
 The printed indexes provided are difficult to use and do not give enough detail, resulting in lengthy and sometimes circuitous searches for required information.
que hay que dedicarle mucho tiempo 
 This method is staff time-intensive in that a trained staff member conducts each in-depth interview.
que hizo época 
 The solitary volume published remains to date a memorial of that epochal event.
que huele a lugar cerrado 
 She wrote, 'the atmosphere of a bookshop I always imagine to be stuffy and fusty'.
que incita a la reflexión 
provocative of
 After three hours' talk we had not got beyond the third incident in the story - so many, so various, and so provocative of further thoughts and ideas, were the responses reported as the text was read aloud.
que induce a confusión 
 The need to control for the effect of confounding variables is central to empirical research in many disciplines.
que intenta acaparar la atención 
 Actress Megan Fox has claimed that to avoid the attention, she does not wear attention-seeking clothes when she goes out.
que intenta llamar la atención 
 Actress Megan Fox has claimed that to avoid the attention, she does not wear attention-seeking clothes when she goes out.
que intervienen 
at play
 The author considers the economic, political and social factors at play.
que intimida 
 All those shelves full of books are forbidding, daunting.
que invita a 
 The massive mountain seems to possess magic, gleaming invitingly on sunny days and looming ominously when clouds try to get in the way.
que invita a la reflexión 
 First I want to thank Dr Richmond for what I thought was a very informative, thought-provoking, and stimulating presentation.
que le afecta a todo 
crosscutting [cross cutting]
 The plan comprises over twenty projects addressing the partnership's three priority themes - access, empowerment and governance - and four crosscutting issues - youth, the media, gender and local (community-based) knowledge.
que le gusta arriesgarse 
 The author characterizes librarians as flexible, collaborative, high energy, risk-taking visionaries.
que le gusta la mecánica 
mechanically minded
 To begin with, this photocopier perhaps had the potential for resurrection by someone mechanically minded and nifty with a screwdriver.
que le presta gran importancia a la cultura 
 The library benefits from the 'halo effect' surrounding any educational institution in a culture-conscious country, even though some of its work may not qualify as educational by reasonable definitions.
que levanta el ánimo 
 It must be the least uplifting, most circumspect film ever made about sainthood.
que levanta el espíritu 
 It must be the least uplifting, most circumspect film ever made about sainthood.
que llama la atención 
 Another way to come up with attention-grabbing headlines is to put yourself in your client's shoes.
que llega 
 A modem is an electronic device which converts or modulates data coming from a computer into audio tunes which can be carried over normal phone lines and demodulates incoming tones from the phone line into data that can be used by the computer.
que llega hasta la cintura   
waist high
waist deep
waist length
 The shepherd led them across meadows where the warm, scented grass grew nearly waist high, toward the mighty waterfall.
 More than a score or two of the young female members waded the stream that in places was waist deep.
 Since hair only grows an average of ½-inch per month, waist-length hair would require at least six years of growth.
que llega hasta la pantorrilla 
 These calf length-baseball pants and knee-length baseball pants are available at discount quantity prices .
que llega hasta la rodilla 
 These calf-length baseball pants and knee-length baseball pants are available at discount quantity prices.
que llega hasta los hombres 
 Her shoulder-length hair was pushed back and held with a tie.
que lleva tiempo en cartelera 
 Popular and long-running Broadway musicals always generate original cast recordings that are eagerly collected by fans.
que lo abarca todo  [Que intenta abarcarlo todo]
 Some databases are very all-embracing in their coverage and attempt to provide comprehensive coverage of entire disciplines.
que lo hace uno mismo 
do-it-yourself (DIY)
 Employees must call upon the services of the librarians and not lapse into 'do-it-yourself' habits.
que lo incluye todo  [Que intenta abarcarlo todo]
 Some databases are very all-embracing in their coverage and attempt to provide comprehensive coverage of entire disciplines.
que marca época 
 This landmark legal settlement comes at a time when there is already an intense shortage of bedside nurses throughout the country.
que marca un hito 
 This project on electronic document delivery using radio links, if successful, could be epoch-making for third world libraries.
que mejora el estatus social 
 This article discusses the role of the librarian, who may view on-line as either status-enhancing or their own preserve.
que mejora la calidad de vida 
 'Huckleberry Finn' is another of those books that stands high on my own list of life-enhancing and life-changing works of literature.
que merece la pena 
 Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.
que mezcla sensaciones  
synaesthetic [synesthetic, -USA]
 The article 'Loud tastes, coloured fragrances, and scented sounds: how and when to mix the senses in persuasive communications' discusses 'synesthetic' or cross-sensory associations in persuasive language employed in advertising.
 The article 'Loud tastes, coloured fragrances, and scented sounds: how and when to mix the senses in persuasive communications' discusses 'synesthetic' or cross-sensory associations in persuasive language employed in advertising.
que mira al sur 
south facing
 Energy conservation was an important concern for all 7 libraries, with south facing high windows and heat absorbing walls in all buildings.
que nace de 
born out of
 The need for a single jurisdiction and the consequent need for a single set of values to be imposed upon Internet activities is a fiction born out of centralist systems of western jurisprudence.
que necesita bastante dedicación 
time-consuming [time consuming]
 International consultation is bulky and time-consuming, and this makes revision a slow process.
que necesita bastante dedicación de personal  
labour-intensive [labour intensive]
staff-intensive [staff intensive]
 Catalogue maintenance in a large union catalogue based on cards or slips was a nightmare, and it was very labour-intensive to maintain such catalogues at more than one location.
 Computers have facilitated the paper flow within the organization - a formerly arduous and staff-intensive effort = Los ordenadores han facilitado el papeleo en las organizaciones, un esfuerzo que antes era arduo y que necesitaba bastante dedicación de personal.
que necesita bastante mano de obra 
labour-intensive [labour intensive]
 Catalogue maintenance in a large union catalogue based on cards or slips was a nightmare, and it was very labour-intensive to maintain such catalogues at more than one location.
que necesita de un trabajo intelectual previo 
 This article shows that simple, knowledge-intensive algorithms can successfully interpret many of the compounds found in technical documents.
que necesita la información 
 Of potential importance to commercial information services as clients is the information-dependent sector, such as accountants, lawyers and engineering consultants.
que ni ama ni es amado 
 The story relates the experiences of a young conscript whose desire for an amorous adventure with one of his many female penfriends results in a loveless and unhappy marriage.
que no absorbe el agua o la humedad 
 Photographs should be stored in non-hygroscopic containers which are free of sulphur, acids, and peroxides.
que no admite reserva 
 On certain short-distance routes, coach seating is unreserved, available to passanges on a first-come, first-served basis.
que no ajusta bien 
 Sometimes I wonder if someday I will meet someone whose presence won't feel like an ill-fitting overcoat, like something heavy in my pocket that I should've left at home.
que no aparece en primer lugar 
nonfirst [non-first]
 The contributions of nonfirst authors varied greatly within and among papers.
que no ayuda a distinguir 
 Much modern art has nondistinctive titles like Mood Number Four, Picture Number Eight, Untitled, which makes title entry really ludicrous.
que no causa dolor 
 Almost without exception libraries have agreed with the liberal-minded who wanted to make the immigrants' transition into a new society as painless as possible.
que no cierra bien  
leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup.]
 He fixed the leaky faucet by pugging it with a cork, hammering it in with a mallet, wrapping it up with electrical tape, and leaving it to increase in water pressure until the pipe exploded .
 The documents were relegated to an environmentally unsafe location, where they were damaged by a leaking water pipe.
que no conduce a nada 
 The expert system has had to resolve the difficulties encountered in dealing with tautological, circuitous and negative definitions.
que no cuadra 
 Any items left unreconciled in the central fund such as bank transfers, should now be reconciled.
que no da más de sí 
 Electronic publishing is something librarians shouldn't be doing, given their already overstretched human and financial resources.
que no daña el medio ambiente   
environmentally friendly
environmentally sound
 Consumer perceptions of the two top-selling brands are perceived to be more environmentally friendly than the other brands.
 Acid-free permanent paper is no more costly than acid paper and is environmentally sound.
 Read on for 10 eco-friendly things that you can do with lemons, then hot-foot it to your local farmers' market to stock up.
que no desaparece 
 Another lingering misconception is that reference work is restricted to reference libraries.
que no es de fiar 
 The director of our public library hired as a page the daughter of a friend, who turned out to be unreliable and untrustworthy, and as a consequence had to handle a disgruntled head of circulation.
que no es de la India 
 The need is seen to provide similar, easily digestible aids for non-Indic language speakers.
que no es libro de texto 
 In the past decade or so, much stalwart work has been done in order to provide non-textbook reading material for primary school children.
que no está en papel 
non-paper [non paper]
 The conservation problems of non paper materials were discussed.
que no es texto 
 Binhex (BINary HEXadecimal) is a method for converting non-text files (non-ASCII) into ASCII.
que no excluye otras posibilidades 
 There are at least 5 ways (non-exclusive and sometimes overlapping) in which computerised information systems can be enhanced with pictures.
que no fuma 
 It is still a way to rebel against the school establishment, parents and a way for non-smoking teenagers to gain one-upmanship over those who smoke.
que no haya noticias es buena señal 
no news is good news
 No news is good news, in this case meaning there is no new clot in her lungs.
que no llama la atención 
 Her diversified and highly committed authorship is characterized by disrespectful humour, clear-sighted solemnity and inconspicuous warmth.
que no ofrece doctorado 
non-doctoral granting
 Friends of the Library groups are largely undocumented in the professional literature at non-doctoral granting colleges and universities.
que no perdona 
 Unlike other Swedish illustrators, he used the time consuming and unforgiving technique of wood engraving for his illustrations.
que no perjudica el medio ambiente   
environmentally friendly
environmentally sound
 Consumer perceptions of the two top-selling brands are perceived to be more environmentally friendly than the other brands.
 Acid-free permanent paper is no more costly than acid paper and is environmentally sound.
 Read on for 10 eco-friendly things that you can do with lemons, then hot-foot it to your local farmers' market to stock up.
que no pertenece a una confesión religiosa concreta 
nondenominational [non-denominational]
 The archives of the Billy Graham Center document the nondenominational efforts of North American fundamentalist and evangelical Protestants to spread the gospel.
que no pertenece a un sindicato 
 Employees of a non-unionized organization who are dissatisfied with the policies and practices of the organization may solicit the help of an organizer.
que no posee ninguna conexión 
 The three periods allow us to test our techniques with citations from wholly disjoint sets of writings.
que no queda bien 
 Sometimes I wonder if someday I will meet someone whose presence won't feel like an ill-fitting overcoat, like something heavy in my pocket that I should've left at home.
que no quepa la menor duda 
make no mistake
 Make no mistake, I take no joy in seeing peaceful protesters attacked.
que no recibe enseñanza formal 
 It is felt, however, when the evidence is collected, in most cases, out-of-school adults will be better served with a formal bibliographic instruction programme.
que no representa reto 
 This article describes a study of stress conducted in a university library using the following categories: workload; schedule and workday; feeling pulled and tugged; physical facilities; unchallenging work; and miscellaneous.
que no sea(n) 
other than
 Non-book materials, then, may include any library information or resource centre materials, other than books or monographs.
que no se hace añicos 
 The article is entitled 'The Glass Ceiling in Social Work: Is It Shatterproof?'.
que no se ha cuestionado  
unscrutinised [unscrutinized, -USA]
 Cutter has had an immense influence, especially on dictionary cataloguing in the US, and many of its rulings on subject headings still remain almost unquestioned = Cutter ha ejercido una inmensa influencia, especialmente sobre el catálogo diccionario en los Estados Unidos y muchas de sus reglas sobre los encabezamientos de materia aún siguen siendo casi sin ponerse en duda.
 This an important step toward challenging the unscrutinized value system that supports social hierarchy.
que no se ha puesto en duda  
unscrutinised [unscrutinized, -USA]
 Cutter has had an immense influence, especially on dictionary cataloguing in the US, and many of its rulings on subject headings still remain almost unquestioned = Cutter ha ejercido una inmensa influencia, especialmente sobre el catálogo diccionario en los Estados Unidos y muchas de sus reglas sobre los encabezamientos de materia aún siguen siendo casi sin ponerse en duda.
 This an important step toward challenging the unscrutinized value system that supports social hierarchy.
que no se le puede dar un nombre 
 But note the cost: documents tend increasingly to be about these unnameable subjects.
que no se puede comparar 
 A considerable literature exists on the empirical validity of Lotka's law; however, these studies are mainly incomparable and inconclusive, owing to substantial differences in the analytical methods applied.
que no se puede conseguir 
 Furthermore, such visits allow valuable information unobtainable through official channels to be gleaned on an informal basis.
que no se puede entregar 
 Of the mailed surveys, 91 were undeliverable for various reasons, and 155 were completed and returned for a response rate of 17 percent.
que no se puede hacer cumplir 
 The existing official statements tend to be overly simplistic and unenforceable.
que no se puede identificar con un término 
 But note the cost: documents tend increasingly to be about these unnameable subjects.
que no se puede sacar en préstamo 
non-circulating [noncirculating]
 The method is especially useful in assessing collection use for non-circulating titles.
que no se puede uno perder 
 All these events make the conference an unmissable event.
que no se rompe en mil pedazos 
 The article is entitled 'The Glass Ceiling in Social Work: Is It Shatterproof?'.
que no se utiliza 
 How do we ensure that unused or little-used collections will be used, or should we even worry about them?.
que nos quiten lo bailado 
We'll always have Paris
 Once settled in the plush leather seats, Steve leaned over and whispered in his best Bogey impersonation, 'We'll always have Paris'.
que nos rodea 
 The author draws an analogy between the ambient consumerism of affluent societies and the consumption of information.
que no tiene compensación 
non-compensatory [noncompensatory]
 Yorke classified the public library service as a non-compensatory, undifferentiated, and non-essential local government service.
que no tienen que rendir cuentas a nadie 
 They describe what it is like to find yourself on the other side of a one-way mirror, innocent but presumed guilty, by professionals who are almost completely unaccountable.
que no tiene precio 
 The libraries have spent centuries with the collections and storage of priceless information.
que no tiene que ver con el tema debatido 
 But on the other hand, these electronic message boards can have a hit-and-run quality where vitriolic or off-topic comments are posted by contributors hidden in the safety of anonymity.
que no viene a cuento 
 But on the other hand, these electronic message boards can have a hit-and-run quality where vitriolic or off-topic comments are posted by contributors hidden in the safety of anonymity.
que obstruye 
 This obstructive attitude can be traced throughout the centuries and manifests itself in the field of modern information science, too.
que ocupa la mejor posición 
 Content is selectable and librarians are the best-positioned people in the world to choose what readers need.
que ocupa mucho espacio 
 Some libraries may well be looking to Prestel as a substitute for expensive and space-consuming reference works or to save staff time.
que ocupa poco espacio 
 The system is clean, largely theft proof and space saving, requiring only four double-sided discs per year.
que ocupa un puesto de mayor responsabilidad 
 I'm not an administrator, I'm a senior cataloger.
que padece de cólicos 
colicky newborn
 Parents who find themselves in the unenviable position of being home with a colicky newborn can rest assured that there is a cure.
que padece de peritonitis 
 I was in for yet another of those numerously produced fantasies in which a pubescent child gets involved with underworld beings that are substandard versions of Le Guin's 'The Wizard of Earthsea' or peritonitic spinoffs from the detritus of ill-digested Tolkien.
que parece dudoso 
 But I seem to get an awful lot of people trying to interest me in dubious-sounding business propositions.
que parece sospechoso 
 But I seem to get an awful lot of people trying to interest me in dubious-sounding business propositions.
que participan 
at play
 The author considers the economic, political and social factors at play.
que pasaba 
 He was left without a scratch and pursued the shooter on foot until the gunman commandeered a passing car.
que pasa de + Cantidad 
in excess of + Cantidad
 For the record, schools and libraries in the late 1960s recovered in excess of $10,000,000 from publishers and wholesalers as a result of unfair practices highlighted by Mr. Scilken.
que pasa desapercibido  
 Her diversified and highly committed authorship is characterized by disrespectful humour, clear-sighted solemnity and inconspicuous warmth.
 Differentials long attributed to marital status may in part reflect previously unobserved effects of sexual orientation.
que pasa inadvertido 
 Her diversified and highly committed authorship is characterized by disrespectful humour, clear-sighted solemnity and inconspicuous warmth.
que pase lo que tenga que pasar   
que sera sera
whatever will be, will be
what's meant to be, will be
 If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .
 Needless to say, 'whatever will be, will be' is not adequate for most of us as an answer to that question.
 If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .
que pela  
piping hot
baking hot
 The monks then add milk and salt to taste and piping hot Tibetan tea is ready to serve.
 He slept on a camp bed in the baking hot room between 12-hour shifts and survived on leftovers brought to him by friendly chefs.
que perdura 
 Another lingering misconception is that reference work is restricted to reference libraries.
que permite desarrollar menús de consulta 
 In the absence of sufficient staff to mount a supervised programme of microcomputer instructions, the library used existing, inexpensive, menu-making software to develop menu-driven, self-instructing access to disc operating commands, applications programs, and data files.
que pica  
itchy [itchier -comp., itchiest -sup.]
scratchy [scratchier -comp., scratchiest -sup.]
 Even the ones who don't complain say they have coughing fits at times, and itchy eyes, and headaches.
 Many of us suffer from scratchy throat allergies on account of the seasonal changes.
que pierde agua  
leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup.]
 The documents were relegated to an environmentally unsafe location, where they were damaged by a leaking water pipe.
 He fixed the leaky faucet by pugging it with a cork, hammering it in with a mallet, wrapping it up with electrical tape, and leaving it to increase in water pressure until the pipe exploded .
que pincha  
stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.]
prickly [pricklier -comp., prickliest -sup.]
 Do men find hairy legs more unattractive or stubbly legs more annoying on a woman?.
 Although rubbing up against a prickly plant is a pleasant experience, the world would be a less colorful and interesting place without them.
que pone a Uno en su sitio 
 It is inspiring, humbling and empowering that we can gather with our colleagues from around the world and see that our similarities are numerous.
que pone la vida en peligro 
life threatening
 The study also investigated whether persons who had consulted the book before committing suicide had life threatening medical illnesses.
que pone obstáculos 
 This obstructive attitude can be traced throughout the centuries and manifests itself in the field of modern information science, too.
que prefiere(n)  
of + Posesivo + choosing
of + Posesivo + choice
 Doctors often 'game the system' by manipulating the organ allocation system to favor patients of their choosing.
 Libraries and information services should support the right of users to seek information of their choice.
que procede del exterior 
 PhoneWorks will offer a number of dollar-saving outbound and inbound services for libraries and users alike.
que produce ansiedad 
 Most managers waste time on unproductive activities in order to avoid complex, anxiety-producing tasks.
que produce placer 
 Cocaine works by stimulating pleasure-giving neurotransmitters.
que progresa rápidamente 
 I have also taken the opportunity to up-date every chapter of the book so as to help the reader keep track of this fast-moving technology.
que + Pronombre + recordar 
to the best of + Posesivo + recollection
 This is a wholly truthful account of her various discoveries and misadventures recounted, to the best of her recollection, in four parts.
que + Pronombre + sacar + de quicio 
 There are a few things that are irritatingly wrong in this movie.
que puede causar detención 
 This article provides specific examples of sexual behaviour as a guide to what is arrestable behaviour.
que puede demostrarse 
 These issues demonstrably fall outside the likely preoccupations of IT-based information specialists with organisational concerns.
que puede salir en préstamo 
 At any given level of demand, fewer loanable copies of an item are needed if provision is made on a national rather than a regional basis.
que puede ser apilado 
 The other rooms on the third, second and first levels have a mixture of stacking chairs with writing board arms.
que puede ser usado a través de la web 
 Many of these have, in turn, been reemerging as web-compliant databases providing even an average library with the opportunity to search enormous collections of data.
que puede volver a cerrarse herméticamente 
 Find information about resealable packaging.
que queda  
left-over [left over]
 Having extracted what appears to be the main problem, the analyst should now list the 'left over' problems.
 Interviews were with a surviving next of kin or a nonrelative about three months after the event of death.
que queda mal 
 Sometimes I wonder if someday I will meet someone whose presence won't feel like an ill-fitting overcoat, like something heavy in my pocket that I should've left at home.
que quede bien claro 
make no mistake
 Make no mistake, I take no joy in seeing peaceful protesters attacked.
que quede entre nosotros  
between you and me
between ourselves
 That's why it's also correct to to keep the secret 'between you and me'.
 Just between ourselves - and please, not a word to anyone - this is the new official web site, available now via your computer.
que quiere(n)  
of + Posesivo + choosing
of + Posesivo + choice
 Doctors often 'game the system' by manipulating the organ allocation system to favor patients of their choosing.
 Libraries and information services should support the right of users to seek information of their choice.
que rasca 
scratchy [scratchier -comp., scratchiest -sup.]
 Many of us suffer from scratchy throat allergies on account of the seasonal changes.
que raya 
 The protagonist experiences a jarring descent from the heights of literary distinction at court to the coarseness of common experience.
que rebota bien 
bouncy [bouncier -comp., bounciest -sup.]
 As you probably have noticed, squash balls aren't very bouncy at all, they deform when they hit a wall or the floor.
que reduce el estrés 
 This article briefly reviews some of the research on stress and links this back to assertiveness - standing up for one's rights without violating the rights of others - as a stress-reducing technique which might be applicable in the library situation.
que resulta irreconocible 
out of all recognition
 Even so, school library provision has been improved and increased out of all recognition since the days when only the long established grammar schools and public schools had libraries of their own.
que retiene el calor 
heat absorbing
 Energy conservation was an important concern for all 7 libraries, with south facing high windows and heat absorbing walls in all buildings.
que reúne las condiciones 
 The projections of qualified manpower into the year 2000 are bleak for personnel based industries.
que rodea 
 This section, then, will review the basic problems surrounding the choice of form of headings for persons.
que rompe la armonía  [Nombre y adjetivo]
 He argues for special attention to faculty offices, landscaping, 'green' architecture, preservation of heritage buildings, removal of eyesore buildings, and safety.
que sabe lo que 
who knows what
 One key to success is a principal who knows what is needed and can put a plan in place.
que sabe muy bien a dónde va  
 Understanding how to live a purpose-driven life at work is one of the keys to a fulfilled and happy life.
 The final step in the purpose-oriented approach is Ihe development of a master plan.
que sabe muy bien lo que quiere  
 Understanding how to live a purpose-driven life at work is one of the keys to a fulfilled and happy life.
 The final step in the purpose-oriented approach is Ihe development of a master plan.
que sale de 
 Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.
que se abrocha por atrás 
 This close up of the boys playing on the seasaw shows the back-buttoning pinafores the boys had to wear.
que se acerca 
 Some vehicle occupants choose to get out of their vehicles during a pile-up, making them vulnerable to oncoming vehicles.
que se acumula 
 The author evaluates the vocational skills accruable through the study of literature.
que se alaba a uno mismo 
 Professional literature on the early history of US librarianship has invariably been self-congratulatory, portraying the pioneer librarians as enlightened beyond expectations.
que se aleja 
 Percy gazed blankly after the retreating car, and then made his way to a boot-blacking stand.
que sea lo que Dios quiera 
hope for + the best
 This will certainly be a learning experience for me especially since it's my first book so cross your fingers and let's hope for the best.
que se alquila 
 It was found that a corporate reference collection might be redefined funtionally as a window or gate to rentable information.
que se aproxima 
 Some vehicle occupants choose to get out of their vehicles during a pile-up, making them vulnerable to oncoming vehicles.
que se atiene a una norma 
compliant (with)
 Models compliant with these standards have been produced by most manufacturers.
que se autoperpetúa 
 Such discussions become circular and self-perpetuating, and self-congratulating, very quickly - as the Howard Dean Campaign discovered, too late and fatally, during the current US Presidential election race.
que se avecina 
 Some vehicle occupants choose to get out of their vehicles during a pile-up, making them vulnerable to oncoming vehicles.
que se carga por la boca 
 This muzzle-loading rifle has vents cut into the barrel near its muzzle.
que se coloca en lo alto del televisor 
 The set-top box may also contain remotely controllable descrambling circuits for services which are transmitted in a scrambled form.
que se compra 
 Much of this is free games software, with some educational programs, but there are also some priced applications programs available.
que se concede en función de las necesidades económicas 
 For years a most intractable and disturbing problem has been the low take-up of means-tested benefits.
que se congratula a sí mismo 
 Such discussions become circular and self-perpetuating, and self-congratulating, very quickly - as the Howard Dean Campaign discovered, too late and fatally, during the current US Presidential election race.
que se contradice a sí mismo 
 The article is entitled 'Seven self-contradicting reasons why the World Wide Web is such a big deal'.
que se cuentan por millones 
numbered in millions
 No critics review issues of magazines or the weekly episodes of Crossroads or Coronation Street but women's magazines and these television serials all have readership and viewers numbered in millions.
que se denomina a si mismo 
 A self-proclaimed 'shopaholic', Nancy Strohmeyer, gives the reader an inside look at some of her many collections, including books, figurines, and stuffed animals.
que se derrama 
 This article describes how the Law Society Library coped with a flood which was the result of overflowing drains on the roof.
que se derrite en la boca  [Generalmente usado con la fruta]
mellow [mellower -comp., mellowest -sup.]
 This yummy and mellow fruit is full of phytonutrients, helps fight chronic disease and improves memory and learning.
que se desarrollan 
at play
 The author considers the economic, political and social factors at play.
que se descompone en migajas 
 You walk into your neighborhood supermarket and buy a loaf of crumby packaged bread and you take it home after having paid good money for it.
que se desmenuza fácilmente 
crumbly [crumblier -comp., crumbliest -sup.]
 Soft, crumbly plaster should be removed down to the lath and out as far as the firmly attached areas in preparation for patching.
que se desmigaja fácilmente 
crumbly [crumblier -comp., crumbliest -sup.]
 Soft, crumbly plaster should be removed down to the lath and out as far as the firmly attached areas in preparation for patching.
que se encuentra en la naturaleza 
 This is a naturally-occurring abrasive traditionally employed in buffing metal.
que se enrolla 
roll-up [rollup]
 The roll-up roof vent provides a ventilation rate about 3 times greater than the continuous roof vent.
que se entrecruzan 
 How to deal with these complex and intertwined issues is the topic of the course.
que se está desarrollando 
 One of the objectives is to produce a statement of the role of the Library in the evolving national information program over the next five to seven years.
que se está descascarillando 
 Treatment undertaken included consolidation of the flaking gouache, surface cleaning, mould reduction, washing on the low pressure suction table, infilling and toning.
que se está desintegrando  
 We must now look beyond crumbling books to determine the deeper significance of our stewardship obligations for the future = Debemos mirar más allá de los libros en deterioro para determinar cuál es el verdadero significado de nuestras obligaciones para el futuro.
 For all Havana's crumbling structures, its disintegrating roads and toxin-belching jalopies, it attracts over a million tourists each year.
que se está examinando 
under review
 Reviews and surveys both demand an indicative abstract, which defines the limits of the subject area under review, and the depth of the treatment.
que se está hundiendo 
 Other boats lay on their oars in the vicinity of the sinking ship, a few survivors being rescued from the water.
que se está investigando 
under investigation
 The Pensions Act provides that the Pensions Ombudsman has power to hold oral hearings before ruling on a matter under investigation.
que se está pelando 
 Treatment undertaken included consolidation of the flaking gouache, surface cleaning, mould reduction, washing on the low pressure suction table, infilling and toning.
que se explica por sí mismo 
self-explanatory [self explanatory/selfexplanatory]
 Documents must be arranged or physically stored in an order which is self-explanatory, and which preferably coincides with the way in which the public normally seek to retrieve a document.
que se expresa bien 
 Although I am not sure that research libraries' spokespersons are more articulate than others, their cataloging needs receive attention from the Library of Congress and from the American Library Association.
que se gestiona a sí mismo 
 This type of organizational structure has self-managed teams which make their own decisions without reference to higher management.
que se guía por sí mismo 
 Its central aims are a self-guiding and self-regulating spacecraft.
que se inicie la contienda 
let battle commence
 To start a garden is to let battle commence since there is a list of pests and diseases that will line up to attack your babies.
que se le puede dar un nombre 
 Thus Cutter opens the door to compounds and phrases of all kinds - so long as they are 'nameable' - and also opens the door to inversion, but gives no rule for this.
que se lleva gestando hace tiempo 
 The long-simmering row between Dialog Information Services and Chemical Abstracts Services has broken out into declared war.
que se marea  [Al viajar]
 In my experience these travel-sick pills really help and are a must have product for anyone with a travel-sick child.
(que se menciona) a continuación 
 These are discussed in more detail below.
que se necesita urgentemente 
sorely needed
 One attempt to fill this information vacuum has been made by public reference librarians convinced that they have sorely needed information to offer.
que se organiza a sí mismo 
self-organising [self-organizing, -USA]
 These techniques may lead to the study of science as a self-organizing system in the form of neural network like structures.
que se percibe desde hace mucho tiempo 
 These tools, which began appearing early in 1975, fill a long-felt need for information that was not previously available outside the library.
que se permite muchos lujos  
 They provide a true and fertile alternative to songwriters whose point of reference is the self-indulgent, angst-ridden youth culture whose reality is read through mass media.
 Despite responsibilities as heads of the state and a major household respectively, both are self-absorbed, self-indulging creatures.
que se piensa 
 The arrangements should also negotiate resistance to perceived 'American dominance', erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
que se precie (como tal)  
worth + Posesivo + mettle
 Of course, any composer who's worth his mettle will be able to work with just his trusted piano and his ears.
 Why any self-respecting female would wear this t-shirt is completely beyond me.
que se puede aplicar a rajatabla  
hard and fast
ironclad [iron-clad]
 There is no hard and fast answer to this question.
 A review of the research shows that there are no clear and ironclad answers.
que se puede aprender 
 Most people look at me a skeptically when I tell them that drawing is a learnable skill, not some special gift you either got or didn't get when you were born.
que se puede arreglar 
 A broken computer, though annoying, is a fixable or preventable catastrophe.
que se puede buscar 
 The extent of searchable elements will vary from one data base to another.
que se puede cambiar de tamaño 
resizeable [re-sizeable]
 Re-sizeable and movable windows are used for the image and icon display.
que se puede clasificar 
 Each institution has a library attached which is classifiable as medical, research, homeopathic, dental, and pharmaceutical.
que se puede compartir 
 This article outlines the inherent characteristics of information - human, expandable, compressible, substitutable, transportable, diffusive and shareable and discusses what effect these qualities have on the library profession.
que se puede conocer 
 Library administrators appreciate the fact that online searching can be provided for a fixed, knowable cost.
que se puede consultar 
 In other words making the entire site queriable might be a complex and a time-consuming task.
que se puede contestar 
 Community service centres would then forward information requests not answerable from local resources to an appropriate information service centre.
que se puede copiar 
 The author explains the differences between image files, ASCII full text which is searchable, and ASCII full text which is displayable and downloadable but not searchable, and gives examples of these.
que se puede distribuir 
 This periodical makes all the text freely available and redistributable via the World Wide Web and electronic mail.
que se puede enviar 
 The author discusses how the transformation of a printed document into an electronically deliverable form is to be achieved.
que se puede escuchar 
 It will have a similar archival life as the CD-R format and will be playable on any destination device that can make use of the data written.
que se puede especificar 
 This article presents a set of link types that are useful, specifiable, and computable.
que se puede evitar 
 This article describes the techniques of locating and reading library materials and also includes a few basic rules and some avoidable pitfalls = Este artículo describe las técnicas de localización y lectura de los fondos de una biblioteca y también incluye unas cuantas reglas básicas y algunos errores que se pueden evitar.
que se puede hacer cumplir 
 By-laws are prohibitive - ie they tell people what they are not allowed to do - and they are enforceable at law.
que se puede identicar con un término 
 Thus Cutter opens the door to compounds and phrases of all kinds - so long as they are 'nameable' - and also opens the door to inversion, but gives no rule for this.
que se puede imprimir 
 This CD-ROM contains bibliographic and textual data together with printable and viewable graphic images of patents.
que se puede lavar con lejía 
 This type of bleach is gentle enough to pour directly on your bleachable whites.
que se puede quitar  
 Manufacturers have produced screens which can be tilted and moved from side to side, together with detachable keyboards which can be placed in the most comfortable position.
 Adequate security for expensive equipment must also be provided for in this decision, and a secluded back room, a remote phone cut-off switch, or a removable keyboard may be mandated.
que se puede reservar 
 This computer-generated catalog presents the Manitoba Department of Education's 16mm film holdings found in its bookable and its self-serve collections.
que se puede responder 
 Community service centres would then forward information requests not answerable from local resources to an appropriate information service centre.
que se puede separar 
 Manufacturers have produced screens which can be tilted and moved from side to side, together with detachable keyboards which can be placed in the most comfortable position.
que se recuerde 
in living memory
 The number one thing to realize with the Millennials is that as a whole they reflect much more parental perfectionism than any generation in living memory.
que se repite 
 The previous ALA rules were based on a principle of faithful transcription of the title page with elaborate qualifications, which yielded as a result an entry repetitious and confusing in its esoteric capitalization.
que se repite una y otra vez 
 After the probationary period, performance evaluations are administered on a recurring basis.
que se solapan 
 Interpretation and re-interpretation take place not in isolation, but in the context of overlapping social agencies.
que se toma las cosas con calma 
 The article 'Laid-back librarians love L.A' reports on the 13th ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America) Annual Conference, Los Angeles, 8-14 Feb 85.
que se vende 
 Much of this is free games software, with some educational programs, but there are also some priced applications programs available.
que siempre va a la última moda 
 Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.
que sienta precedente 
 This landmark legal settlement comes at a time when there is already an intense shortage of bedside nurses throughout the country.
que sigue 
 A praeses is a faculty moderator of an academic disputation, who normally proposes a thesis and participates in the ensuing disputation.
que sigue la última moda 
 Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.
que sigue una norma 
compliant (with)
 Models compliant with these standards have been produced by most manufacturers.
que siguió 
 A praeses is a faculty moderator of an academic disputation, who normally proposes a thesis and participates in the ensuing disputation.
que sobrepasa + Cantidad 
in excess of + Cantidad
 For the record, schools and libraries in the late 1960s recovered in excess of $10,000,000 from publishers and wholesalers as a result of unfair practices highlighted by Mr. Scilken.
que sobresale 
 The card catalogue requires effective internal guiding such as guide cards (ie with protruding tabs).
que sólo se hace una vez  [Normalmente escrito one-off]
 Finally, once-off bibliographies on the European Communities can offer sources on special aspects.
que suena 
 Simple courtesy requires that a person be given precedence over a ringing telephone.
que suena extranjero 
foreign sounding
 This applies to anyone of immigrant background who has a foreign sounding name and purposely uses an Anglicised form of their name.
que supone 
associated with
 Participating libraries communicated to the research team a desire to have their daily work 'counted,' despite the additional workload associated with collecting new data.
que surge de 
born out of
 The need for a single jurisdiction and the consequent need for a single set of values to be imposed upon Internet activities is a fiction born out of centralist systems of western jurisprudence.
que tiene el cenizo 
 Will Jake be the good luck charm that puts Afia on a winning streak or, like everything else in her life, will he wind up jinxed?.
que tiene el gafe 
 Will Jake be the good luck charm that puts Afia on a winning streak or, like everything else in her life, will he wind up jinxed?.
que tiene lugar una vez a la semana 
 Selected key villages would be the focal points for once-weekly public sector 'markets'.
que tiene precio 
 Much of this is free games software, with some educational programs, but there are also some priced applications programs available.
que tiene sentido 
 Each operator has a filing value which has been designate in order to ensure that terms appear in the index string in an order that will produce a meaningful set of index entries.
que trabaja desde casa 
 Data base producers will increasingly rely on home-based abstractors who receive, create and send all their material by electronic means.
que trabajan para él 
in its employ
 This article discusses attempts by Leicestershire Libraries and Information Service to increase the numbers of people of Asian and Afro-Caribbean origin in its employ.
que transmite información 
 Non-book media is defined as information-bearing media which are not in the form of a book such as visual images, geographical artifacts, three-dimensional objects, music scores and recorded sound and microfilms.
que trata de 
 This section, then, will review the basic problems surrounding the choice of form of headings for persons.
que tuvo lugar a continuación 
 A praeses is a faculty moderator of an academic disputation, who normally proposes a thesis and participates in the ensuing disputation.
que uno sigue a su propio ritmo  
 The aims were two-fold: firstly, to gauge the state of the art of self-instruction methods and the nature of their evaluation; secondly, to discover whether the lecture or the self-paced workbook was the more effective.
 Few of the tutorials were self-guided.
que usa el estándar MIME 
 An email program is said to be MIME-compliant if it can both send and receive files using the MIME standard.
que utiliza el tiempo como variable 
 This paper studies time-dependent (dynamical) aspects of scientific activities, as expressed in research publications.
que utiliza muchos recursos 
 Cataloguing remains a resource-intensive activity, and automated cataloguing would have many useful applications.
que vale la pena 
 Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.
que van dirigidos hacia el exterior 
 PhoneWorks will offer a number of dollar-saving outbound and inbound services for libraries and users alike.
que viene  
next + Expresión Temporal
 A modem is an electronic device which converts or modulates data coming from a computer into audio tunes which can be carried over normal phone lines and demodulates incoming tones from the phone line into data that can be used by the computer.
 And then the young librarian, as in a dream, heard from the lips of her supervisor the words, 'Jeanne, please let bygones be bygones and put this year's evaluation behind you. I'll try to make it up to you next year'.
que viene de largo 
 The author comments on the role of the library director in the long-running battle which was covered extensively by articles in the Washington Post newspaper.
que viene el lobo 
crying wolf
 The danger is compounded by the general complacency induced by the 'crying wolf' syndrome - it is assumed that any talk of 'big brother' is nothing but the lazy person's armchair conspiracy.
que vuela bajo 
 Shipments of these goods arrive on caravans that travel on moonless nights to evade the searchlights of low-flying helicopters.
¡que + Pronombre + zurcir! 
be damned!
 The idea was to give the 'best and most aspiring poor' the opportunity to improve; the not so good and less aspiring be damned!.
quién sabe lo que 
who knows what
 When it comes to 'student-centered' teaching, who knows what teachers are talking about?.
si sabes lo que hacer 
if you know where to look
 You can get rid of uric acid in your body quite naturally if you know where to look.
si sabes lo que hay que hacer 
if you know where to look
 You can get rid of uric acid in your body quite naturally if you know where to look.
tal que 
such that
 Nowadays, the quantity of new information being generated is such that no individual can hope to keep pace with even a small fraction of it.
ya que    [Abreviatura de because]
in that
 The various kinds of non-book media can be grouped into categories; this has little to do with their containing material whether video tape, ink on paper or holes in cards, for this can be shared by more than one medium.
 This will satisfy the second objective of an author catalogue, in that it becomes easy to review the extent of a library's collection of works by a specific author.
 Cuz they know that old coot constantly contradicts himself and makes no sense whatsoever.
y que 
 It is likely that a single master data base can be maintained in one location with each of the regional subsystems keeping only the portions that they actually need.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra que



El término «que» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 15 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «que» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de que
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «que».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «que» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «que» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre que



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra que.
Anatole France
Impopularidad tiene asegurada todo el que goza de popularidad.
Anatole France
El pasado es la única realidad humana. Todo lo que es, es pasado.
Diego De Saavedra Fajardo
Es un potro la juventud que con un cabezón duro se precipita y fácilmente se deja gobernar de un bocado blando.
Francisco De Quevedo
Bien se puede perdonar a un hombre ser necio una hora, cuando hay tontos que no lo dejan de ser una hora en toda su vida.
François De La Rochefoucauld
Es más fácil ser sabio para los demás que para uno mismo.
Juan Luis Vives
Nada hay más útil que aprender muchas cosas, ni más fácil que oírlas.
Máximo Gorki
Los críticos son como los tábanos, que impiden a los caballos trabajar la tierra.
Miguel De Cervantes
Y nunca a los amantes aconsejes cuando tienen por gloria sus cuidados; que es como quien predice a los herejes, en sus vanos errores obstinados.
Proverbio Español
El fuego de la leña verde proporciona más humo que calor.
William Cowper
La ciencia es orgullosa por lo mucho que ha aprendido; la sabiduría es humilde porque no sabe más.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término que.
Da Dios almendras al que no tiene muelas.
Negocio que no deja, se deja.
No hay peor astilla que la de la misma madera (o del mismo palo).
Por una vieja que murió, todo el año pestilencia.
A buen salvo está el que repica.
Al dar las doce, queso añejo y vino que rebose.
Al que toma y no da, el diablo se lo llevará.
Badajoz, tierra de Dios, que andan las putas de dos en dos.
Como estará el infierno para que el diablo dé limosna.
El diablo sabe mas por viejo, que por diablo.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de que en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con que y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
A los que lloran la muerte de un ser querido
No permitas que el sol ardiente de la mañana seque una sola lágrima de dolor, antes que tú la hayas enjugado en el ojo del que sufre.
C. W. Leadbeater, 2001
Descubre tu destino con el monje que vendió su Ferrari
Escrito como una fábula, Descubre tu destino con el monje que vendió su Ferrari ofrece nuevos aspectos de la sabiduría de Julian Mantle, el superabogado que cambió su vida de lujo por la paz interior y la felicidad.
Robin Sharma, 2012
Recetas Nutritivas Que Curan
Una alimentación equilibrada es fundamental para poder disfrutar de una vida saludable. Actualmente existe abundante información acerca de cómo alimentarse adecuadamente.
James F. Balch, Phyllis A. Balch, 2000
Coautores del éxito en ventas internacional, Por qué los hombres no escuchan y las mujeres no entienden los mapas, los Pease son padres de cuatro hijos y dividen su tiempo entre Inglaterra y su Austria natal.
Lo que se ama,¡Jamás se pierde!
"Explicaciones y herramientas para entender cómo se genera un campo mórfico de dolor y sufrimiento, y cómo romperlo para siempre. Aprenderás a realizar un proceso de duelo profundo y transformador." --Back cover.
Raquel Levinstein, 2006
Sabiduría cotidiana del monje que vendió su Ferrari
Con su estilo ameno y divertido de siempre, Sabiduría cotidiana del monje que vendió su Ferrari nos enseña las lecciones básicas para equilibrar y combinar los aspectos profesionales y personales de nuestra vida, a educar correctamente ...
Robin Sharma, 2010
El líder que no tenía cargo
El líder que no tenía cargo es el resultado de mas de quince años en los que Robin Sharma ha trabajdo como asesor de liderazgo en empresas como Microsoft, Nike, Unileve o la NASA.
Robin Sharma, 2010
211 Cosas que una chica lista debe saber
Si quieres presumir entre clase y clase, entre plato y plato, o entre copa y copa, con los mejores trucos que te puede enseñar la escuela de la vida, no dudes en hacerte con este ejemplar de 211 cosas que una chica lista debe saber.
Bunty Cutler, 2011
Amores Que Duran ... y Duran ... y Duran: Claves para ...
Somos lo que decidimos ser, lo que creemos que somos.
Jesus Miguel Martinez, 2007
El muchacho que inventaba historias y otros cuentos
Los relatos maravillosos y divertidos de Margaret Mahy nos hacen reír. En este libro nos encontramos con muchachos que vuelan, con bailarinas en basureros y hasta con el diablo.
Margaret Mahy, 1998


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término que en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
¿En qué países te beneficia más tener un título universitario?
Hay una estadística en la que Chile supera a Finlandia, Estados Unidos, Corea del Sur y todos los demás países de la OCDE, la Organización para la ... «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
Por qué es mejor no tener un jefe simpático
Todo el mundo quiere tener un jefe que lo trate bien, que te respete a ti y a tu trabajo, te rete a ser mejor y desee verte desarrollándote como profesional y líder. «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
4 bibliotecas secretas que revelaron grandes tesoros de la historia
Se llevan a un lugar mantenido en secreto por temor a que sea blanco de las fuerzas gubernamentales y pro Assad, y los visitantes tienen que esquivar las ... «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
Por qué en Estados Unidos no dejan de ir al trabajo cuando se ...
Parte del problema es también la preocupación por la forma en que las personas van a ser juzgadas como empleadas: si son personas confiables o no. «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
El sencillo invento de un estudiante de 22 años que podría salvar ...
A sus 22 años, el estudiante de la Universidad de Loughborough (Reino Unido) William Broadway ha creado algo que, según la Organización Mundial de la ... «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
Cuba: el misterioso engaño que llevó al disidente Guillermo Fariñas ...
Tanto Fariñas como el grupo al que pertenece, el Foro Antitotalitario Unido, afirman que la huelga fue suspendida gracias a las "buenas noticias" publicadas en ... «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
¿Qué sentimos al morir?
Prepararse para la muerte es difícil tanto para el moribundo como para sus seres queridos, especialmente por las múltiples preguntas que plantea el inevitable ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Sep 16»
¿Qué es una erección prolongada, por qué ocurre y qué hacer ...
Pese a que ante los ojos de su pareja todo pintara muy bien, pasadas 4 horas el joven de 30 años empezó a sospechar que algo no andaba bien. «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
El parto en el agua “perfecto” en California que se volvió viral
... de emoción que como resultado del dolor del parto. La partera Lisa Marie Sánchez fue la que filmó el parto, que es el segundo que Lynn tiene en su casa. «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
¿Cuáles son los alimentos que realmente pueden mejorar tu vista?
La retina es un tejido sensible a la luz que recubre la parte posterior del ojo. La mácula es un área pequeña de la retina responsable de la visión central y que ... «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»



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